Breeding by families with the improvement of sumy intra-breed type of ukrainian black-and-white milk breed

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2019-121-171-181

Oblyvantsov Volodymyr Viktorovich,
Doctor of Science, assistant professor,
ORCID ID 0000-0003-4857-4938,
Sklyarenko Yuriy Ivanovych,
PhD, Senior Researcher,
ORCID ID 0000-0002-6579-2382,
Institute of Agriculture of the North-East of the NAAS of Ukraine

Keywords: cattle breeding, breeding, Sumy intra-breed type, family, cow, productivity


The results of scientific and production researches on formation of genealogical mother-to-beings families of cows of the Sumy intrabred type of Ukrainian black-and-white milk breed in the herd of the breeding plant “First of May” of Sumy region and their estimation on productive features are given. The mother families of cows of the breeding herd, which are characterized by high milk content, fat content and protein content are defined. Evaluation of the combinational ability of lines and families of cows showed that the most successful selection of bulls to breeding stock formed families obtained from a combination of Yeleveyshna 1491007, Valiant 1650414, Chief 1427318 and Starbuck 352790 lines. It has been established that mother families of Sumy intra-breed type cows of Ukrainian black-and-white milk breed are sufficiently consolidated on the basis of milk productivity. The milk productivity of the genealogical breeding families of cows was unequal in terms of generations. In subsequent generations from the ancestors of families to their great-grandchildren there was a decrease in the phenotypic variety of signs of the milk production of animals. The coefficients of inheritance of milk yield and fat content in milk on the maternal line in the existing genealogical families were significantly low (h23=0,14-0,19, P>0,95. The influence of heredity of the ancestors of uterine families on the signs of milk productivity of their offspring in subsequent generations decreased.
In each genealogical family a breeding core has been formed, which includes cows with the highest milk productivity in the family. The scheme of selection of bulls-producers of planned lines to the breeding families of cows and measures for the selection and com-prehensive evaluation of cows-record of breeding herd, which should be used as potential ancestors of new breeding families. It is shown that breeding with families contributes to the formation of the optimal structure of the breeding herd, the effective use of record cows, provides an increase in the genetic potential of milk production of animals. It is shown that the implementation of the planned activities of breeding with families of cows will improve the efficiency of intra-breeding of Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed.


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