DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2019-122-248-257
Keywords: constitution, sows, repair pigs, measurements, exterior profile, body indices
The article highlights the results of the constitutionindices assessment of two-breed repair pigs and sows of the main herd (from Welsh breed as the main maternal form). The development of pigs was determined by individually taking of basic measurements of the body. To linear growth of animals determine the following measurements were evaluated: height at the withers, body length, chest width behind the shoulder blades, chest depth behind the shoulder blades, chest girth behind the shoulder blades, metacarpus, pad length. According to the obtained absolute indices the main body indices were calculated. The research results were processed by traditional methods of variation statistics. The elongation index for both repair pigs and the main sows increased as live weight increased. In repair pigs, it ranged from 169.0 % to 186.3 %, of main sows – from 190.6 % to 216.2 %. On the compactness index, in most cases the opposite picture was observed. So, in repair pigs, the value of this index decreased from 101.3 % to 97.2 %, and for main sows – from 100.0 % to 85.9 %. For the rest of the estimated indices clear dependence was not indicated. Slightly larger values were noted on the index of elongation in the main sows, compared with repair pigs. The opposite picture is obtained by the compactness index. Meanwhile, according to other indices, there were no significant differences between the main sows and repair pigs. It was established that for both repair pigs and main sows, there was a gradual decrease in the values of the ILW index with an increase in live weight. At the same time, in the main sows with a live weight of 240-260 kg up to 260-280 kg, the ILW index has not changed. Between repair pigs and main sows for width, depth and coverage of the lower back measurements there is a highly reliable difference in favor of the main sows – 7.69 %, 16.38 % and 9.14 %, respectively (p≤0.001).
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