DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2024-132-100-110
Keywords: vitamin-hormonal stimulation, pigs, fertilization, multiparity
Development of new and improvement of existing biotechnological methods for activating the reproductive function of sows remains one of the current areas of scientific research, which is a necessary condition for the current revival of industrial complexes with a full cycle of pig production.
The results of experiments on studying the influence of vitamin-hormonal stimulation of older sows to extend their productive longevity are presented. The experiments were carried out in the conditions of industrial pig farming separately in the spring and summer seasons. The work was aimed at increasing the efficiency of pig farming in conditions of intensified production.
According to the results of the research, it was found that in the spring period of the year, when using vitamin and hormonal treatment, an increase in the fertility of older sows (3 years and older) is observed to 86.6 %, compared to 76.9 % in the control group. In the experimental group, 15 sows came into heat within 4−5 days, of which 13 were fertilized; in the control group, out of 15 animals, 13 animals came into heat within 8 days, of which 10 or 76.9 % of the sows were fertilized. Comparing the obtained data, it should be noted that the sows of the experimental group came into heat 3 days earlier than the control animals.
It has been proven that when vitamin and hormonal preparations are administered to the main sows older than 3 years and using natural mating, an increase in the fertility rate is observed by 9.7 %.
Such an important indicator as the multiparity of sows was higher by 4.0 % (from 13 experimental sows 34 piglets were obtained more compared to the control group of animals).
Studying the main reproductive indicators of sows in the summer season: it was found that when using vitamin-hormonal treatment, fertilization was at the level of 80 %, which is 6.7 % higher than in the control. Within 6 days, all 15 animals of the experimental group came into sexual heat, while 12 of them (80 %) became fertile after mating. The sows of the control group, which were not treated with vitamin and hormonal agents, came into sexual heat within 8 days; out of 15 animals, only 11 animals or 73.3 % were fertilized. The multiparity rate of sows in the experimental group was 8.4% higher than in the control group (10 piglets were born from 12 sows).
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