Biochemical indicators of blood of rabbits of meat’s aт low-component feeding

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2019-121-44-52

Aksenov Evgeny,,
Institute of Animal Science NAAS of Ukraine

Keywords: biochemical parameters, fattening, blood, rabbits, low-component compound feed, feed, young animals, meat and skin direction, productivity


The article highlights the results of experimental studies of hematological and biochemical blood parameters of rabbits, of meat direction of productivity, under different feeding conditions.
The that experimental young animals were feeding by low-compound feed with a different structure and ratio of components. The extruded grain components for the three research groups were used. The disagreements between groups were by reducing the share of barley from 70 % to 50 % by weight and the corresponding increasing provided of soybeans proportion. The content of hay meal in rations of all comparative groups was 10%.
It was established that the biochemical parameters of blood of research groups rabbits were within the limits of the physiological norm.
The improvement of the level and quality of protein nutrition of animals, by increasing the proportion of soy in the feed compo of II and III rabbits groups by 10 and 20 %, contributed the increase of the total protein level in the blood serum. Thus, for rabbits of the ІІІrd experimental group, the protein content was significantly higher in comparison with the first and second ones – at 9,25-13,52 g/l.
A clear tendency was revealed between the increase of soybean proportion in the composition of feeds and the increase of blod urea in experimental rabbits. Rabbits of the ІІІ experimental group on this indicator were exceeded their peers of the ІІ and І groups, respectively, by 26,1 % and 46,8 %.
It was found that favorable in mineral composition feeding conditions, provided a higher content of basic trace elements in the serum of rabbits of the third group. In terms of calcium content, the difference between the І and ІІ group is significant.
It is necessary to point out the significant difference in the biochemical blood parameters between the groups of rabbits with different ratios of the ration components. The increase of metabolic processes is observed in the body of rabbits of the ІІІrd experimental group with a diet according to the structure: barley – 50 %, soy – 40 %, hay flour – 10 %. In fractions of protein, glucose, phosphotase, they significantly exceeded the rabbits of other experimental groups.


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