DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2021-125-227-237
Keywords: pigs, breeding, Welsh breed, Landrace breed, selection, breeding facility
The analysis of the facilities for breeding for Landrace and Wales pigs in Ukraine was carried out; it was established that as of 01.01.2021 there were 16 breeding facilities for Landrace pigs in Ukraine. It identifies that in comparison to last year the number of facilities has decreased by one. Heterogeneity in geographical location was identified; so out of 25 regions (together with the ARC), 13 have breeding facilities for breeding Landrace pigs and in one region there is a breeding facility for breeding Walsh pigs. Accordingly, in 12 (together with the ARC) regions, there are no breeding facilities for both breeds. There is a disproportion in the number of boars and sows in some breeding facilities. So the average number of breeding stock at 1 breeding plant for Landrace pig breed is 350 heads. However, at the same time, in the Ternopil region within one breeding plant there are 1080 sows, and in the Mykolaiv region 70 heads. Assessment of the level of reproductive qualities of sows indicates the need for further improvement of these indicators in most farms. Thus, the analysis of the multiple fertility rate between the facilities for the Landrace breed proved that the difference between the farms with the smallest and largest fertility indicator is 9.1 heads or 206 %. It should be noted that in most farms this indicator is 11–12.3 heads. In terms of litter weight at 2 months, there is also a significant difference between the farms with the smallest and largest indicators and it is 141 kg or 187 %. Accordingly, the SIVYAS index in farms ranged from 76.5 to 147.1. Although in Ukraine there is only one farm for breeding pigs of the Welsh breed, the animals have rather high indicators of reproductive qualities. So the multiple fertility was 12.8 heads, the weight of the litter at 2 months was 210 kg, respectively, the SIVYAS index was 109.5.
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