Agrocluster as a basis for development of rural territories

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2020-124-195-202

Trishin Alexei,
Dr. sc. agr., Acad. of NAAS of Ukr.,
Institute of Animal Science of the NAAS

Keywords: agro-industrial complex, innovative approaches, cluster, rural areas


In the context of decentralization, the crisis state of rural areas and the unstable development of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine, scientists and practitioners of the agrarian sector of the economy are forced to look for new innovative approaches to organizational and economic mechanisms for managing technological processes within the agro-industrial complex.
The accumulated set of negative factors in agriculture has resulted in a problem that hinders the development of the agro-industrial complex and especially in rural areas.
An attempt to solve this problem based on the development of agro-industrial integration has not yielded the desired results yet. The established integration formations such as holdings, financial and industrial groups and other corporate structures are not interested in investing their funds in the development of personnel policy, scientific and raw material base, where investments are required not only in research and production but also in social infrastructure.
Some heads of agrarian associations understand that processing and trading organizations from the subsequent work with their raw materials receive unequal profits, begin to organize the processing of raw materials and the sale of finished products by their enterprises. This can lead to large unreasonable costs and duplication of purchased products without taking into account the real demand of the region. And in this case, the interests of the rural population are not taken into account.
Farmers, it would seem, live in the countryside, are interested in developing the infrastructure of their village, but they do not have enough funds and most of them are barely making ends meet.
Agricultural scientists and practitioners see a way out of this situation through the formation and development of agro-industrial clusters, which, in their opinion, will make it possible to overcome the disunity in the management of the agricultural economy and rural areas.
The development of rural areas is envisaged through the cooperation of enterprises and their integration based on a scientific and methodological approach and cluster principles.


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