Agricultural manufacturing of the eastern region of Ukraine resource potential development

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2019-122-118-130

Kunets Victoria,
Ph.D., Senior Researcher,,
Kamyshan Natalia,
Panchenko Olga,
Pomitun Larisa,
Institute of Animal Science NAAS of Ukraine

Keywords: agriculture, Eastern region, cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep breeding, goat breeding


The main features and place of the Eastern region in the agricultural sector of the country were described. The term “Eastern region” means the territorial systematization or division of the territory into relatively integral parts and associations into one region. The Eastern agrarian region, located in the north-east of the country, includes Sumy, Kharkov, Donetsk and Lugansk regions (without temporarily occupied territories, the area of which is 15.3 thousand km2) and totals 91.5 thousand. km².
The resource potential of the regions of Ukraine was analyzed. Assessing the effectiveness of economic resources managing by subjects and in the region as a whole allows us to determine in value terms the total size of the potential of a particular enterprise, its constituent structures and level of use. It was revealed that the resource potential significantly exceeds the actual indicators of profit from 1 ha of agricultural land, both in the country as a whole and in the Eastern region.
The food security of the Eastern region is provided by the livestock industry. The leading role in it is occupied by livestock and pig farming. The current state of the livestock of the main types of farm animals (cattle, pigs and sheep) in regions and in the whole of the Eastern region was presented.
The dynamics of the main branches of agriculture (cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep breeding, goat breeding) over the past years was analyzed by subjects and in the whole region and country. The number of livestock by farms of different categories, enterprises and in the private sector in Ukraine and the Eastern region over the past 2 years was given and the difference (growth or decline) was calculated separately for species of animals (cattle, cows, pigs, sheep and goats) by region and farms.
Perspective areas of the agricultural sector development were identified.


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