DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2019-122-208-218
Keywords: sex, productivity, low-intensive laser, rabbits, pigs, sperm
In the article highlights the results of physics-technological method implementation for animal productivity improvement by low of intensive laser radiation (LILR) using, as a factor of electromagnetic influence on the gametes of male. 24 rabbits were artificially inseminated with sperm of rabbits-producers irradiated by LILR (with an experimental obtained exposure, power and optical wavelength). From 16 fertilized female the 117 rabbits were born, with the following sex ratio: females (♀) – 41.9 %, males (♀) – 58.1 %, or on 19 male more, which is an advantage in the number of offspring males by 16.2 %. In experiments on pigs the biological criteria of quality and quantitative characteristics of LILR irradiated sperm of breeding boars before artificial insemination of 58 sows were analyzed. After farrowing, 603 piglets were obtained, including 39.6 % of pigs and 60.36% of the boar, respectively. The advantage in number of boars was 125 goals, or 20.72%., Studied LILR as a physical and technological factor was affected to sperm and offspring distribution by gender towards an increase of males. The obtained data allow us to calculate the predicted majority or minority of individuals of a certain gender – males or females, for further breeding and technological work with animals.
The obtained data were the basis for hypothesizing that LILR probably activates a Y-chromosome (with fewer chromatin), therefore, such sperm are more active and the first to fertilize mature eggs at the time of multiple ovulation of rabbits and sows.
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