DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2019-122-130-138
Keywords: horses, Novoaleksandrovskaya Draft horse, male lines, mare’s families, body measurements, body structure indices, reproductive function
The aim of the work was to analyze the condition of the breed horses in Ukraine and assess its genealogical structure. The object of research was the results of the appraisal of horses, breed database in Institute of animal science NAAN, as well as the Studbook of breeding horses Novoalexandrovsky Draft horses (1, 2 volumes).
To determine the genealogical structure of the breed, the entire reproductive composition was distributed, along genealogical lines, mare families and stud nests. As a result groups of mares with a common ancestor, no less than two branches and three generations of descendants were assigned to new mare families. Groups of mares with a common ancestor, not less than with two branches and two generations of descendants are referred to new stud nests.
It is established that the number of horses of the Novoalexandrovsky Draft horsesteadily decreases with each decade years. Analysis genealogical structure showed, that the most the spread of in breed among stallions-producers received genealogical lines: (1390) Tantal (32,0 %), (935) Koketlivyj (44,0 %), (909) Gradus (8,0 %). The distribution of the breeding stock on lines: most mares belong to the lines of (1390), Tantal (22.9 %), (935) Koketlivy (17.6 %), (909) Gradus (17.6 %), as well as (200) Kapiten (16.9 %) and (109) Gazon (9.5 %).
The study revealed 307 representatives of 13 old mare families and 94 representatives of 6 new breeding families and 4 stud nests. The most common mare family of Tunguska (19,6 %). Of the new mare families – Lava (8.1 %).
Thus, to maintain heterozygosity breeds of horses with a limited gene pool, it is necessary to maintain extensive genealogical structure. It is planned to continue the work on selection and selection evaluation of new genealogical branches and registration of them as independent breeding families and nests, to include the tasks of their formation and improvement in the new breeding program.
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