Genetic characteristics of the tori horse breed in ukraine

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2019-122-84-91

Zaderikhina Elena,,
Rossokha Vladimir,
Institute of Animal Science NAAS of Ukraine

Keywords: Tori breed, horses, population, gene frequency, alleles, blood group, selection, gene pool.


The article presents the results of Ukrainian selection Tori horses breed population immunogenetic profile studying.
In recent years, the significant work has been carried out not only in Ukraine but also in European countries to conserve, reproduce and improve of the gene pool of small numbers breeds. In Ukraine, the Tori horse breed is one of the small numbers. It is in small farms as a universal type of farm horse. The Tori breed horses are characterized by sufficient mass and mobility, inherent in various uses, both in agriculture and in equestrian tourism.
The allele’s frequencies and spectrum of all major blood groups systems of different sex horses were compared in a breeding business subjects and in the whole national population of the Tori breed. It was established that the stallion frequency of Dbcm (0,1049) allele is much higher, and that the Dde alleles (0,0679) and Ddk (0,1728) are much lower than the mares – Dbcm (0,0841), Dde (0,1150), Ddk (0,2434) – respectively.
The domestic population of the Tori breed horses has the highest concentration of the Dcgm (0,2809) and Ddk (0,2139) allele frequencies, and slightly higher for the Dd (0,1392) and Ddg (0,1211) allele frequencies. Dad (0,0335) and Dcegm (0,0232) alleles are widespread.
The most common among all studied Tori horses breeds omicropopulations  in the D system are alleles Dcgm, Ddk. All other alleles showed differently.
For “Shakhtar” Horse Farm, First Sumy Breeding Horse Factory and Private Owner Banas V. M. (“Karetnyi dvor”) the largest allele spectrum diversity by polymorphic blood group systems in studied loci were identify.
The revealed differences in the spectrum of active alleles of polymorphic blood groups systems to indicate that each studied horses population has a certain “genetic passport”, which creates an information base breeding work in Ukraine with immunogenetic control.


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